Collections: Accessories, Fishing Tools, productcatalog, Streamside Accessories
Oros strike indicators eliminate common indicator pain points. There are no small parts to fumble and lose. It’s streamlined design is centered on the line for balanced casting. There is no exposed fastening hardware or posts sticking out to create drag or tangle line. The Oros strike indicators also float as much or more weight than the current leading brand. They’re just better.
The exceptional performance of the Oros strike indicator results from enclosing fastening hardware inside of two molded EVA foam hemispheres and an oversized thread design. The foam hemispheres compress when closed, creating a pressure fit lock that keeps the strike indicator on the line and in place without kinking. The over-sized threads eliminate stripping caused by overtightening and make securing it to the line effortless.
To attach the Oros strike indicator to the line, unscrew the two foam-grip hemispheres, place the line in the screw slot and then, holding the bottom half with the screw post in place, screw the top half of the indicator shut. Repositioning the indicator between sections of line requires just a half twist of the top and bottom.